Ce que vous apportez !
de changer
Activer sa capacité d'auto-guérison nécessite un changement de perspective: changer sa perception de soi, sa façon de prendre soin de soi et de répondre à son environnement. La volonté de remettre en question et changer ses habitudes et son mode de vie sont essentiels pour pouvoir profiter pleinement des programmes et suivis de BODYA.
Résilience &
Restaurer sa santé peut prendre du temps. C'est un parcours avec des hauts et des bas. Mais cela ne veut pas dire que vous ne verrez pas de résultats rapidement. Faire preuve de résilience et de persévérance représentent des facteurs clés dans un parcours de santé.
Ouverture &
Il est tout à fait normal de se sentir découragée si vous avez l'impression d'avoir tout essayé. Notre objectif est de vous donner une nouvelle perspective sur votre santé.. C'est une invitation à la découverte de soi: écouter avec curiosité et ouverture ce que le corps essaye de communiquer à travers les symptômes pour pouvoir comprendre et y répondre..
Understanding the phases of your menstrual cycle
The menstrual cycle is not just about reproductive health. It can tell you a lot about your overall health if you know how to recognise key indicators. Tracking your cycle, ovulation and period can help you notice abnormalities which can suggest potential health issues. First and foremost, it is essential to understand what a healthy menstrual cycle looks like.
Key facts about your cycle
The length of the menstrual cycle varies from woman to woman. A normal range could fall anywhere between 21-35 days.
A healthy period lasts between 2 to 7 days.
The 2 main types of female sex hormones are:
The female cycle can be broken down into 2 phases:
1. The follicular phase or preovulatory phase represents the first half of the mentrual cycle. It starts on the first day of menstruation and ends with ovulation.
2. The luteal phase represents the second half of the menstrual cycle. It starts after ovulation and ends with the first day of the next period.
Day 1 of your menstrual cycle is the first day of your period.
The first day of your period marks the beginning of the follicular phase which is characterised by the growth and thickening of the uterine lining and the maturation of the egg-containing follicle.The dominant hormone of the follicular phase is estrogen.
Ovulation occurs mid-cycle and divides the two phases of the menstrual cycle. During ovulation, an egg is released from the ovary into the fallopian tube.
Progesterone is the predominant hormone in the second half of the cycle (the luteal phase). If fertilisation of the egg occur, it will implant on the uterine wall. If there is no fertilisation, progesterone and estrogen drop significantly which results in menstruation and the shading of the uterine lining.
The rise of estrogen during the first half of your cycle makes you feel energised, confident, optimistic, extroverted, assertive and willing to take risks. You skin is glowing and your libido increases. You may also experience a boost in brain power, improving learning ability and concentration. Estrogens also have positive impact on physical performance and metabolism. Your body recovers more quickly from your workouts and you become more insulin sensitive (meaning that it's easier for your body to manage carbohydrate intakes and stabilise blood sugar levels). It is a great time for strenuous exercise. This phase is best for socialising, trying new things, making big decisions and starting new projects.
During the second half of your cycle, progesterone levels are peaking. Progesterone is known as the maternity or pregnancy hormone. The luteal phase can be viewed as the cocoon phase when the body is preparing for a potential pregnancy. Progesterone makes your body temperature rise and has calming and anxiety reducing properties. You may feel more tired,
but also more relaxed compared to the follicular phase. This is a good time to slow down, reflect and prioritise self-care.
If you experience symptoms such as anxiety, aggression, mood swings, breast tenderness or sleep disturbances during the luteal phase, it can be a sign of low progesterone levels or estrogen excess. These represent two types of widespread hormone imbalances that need to be addressed. You can support your body naturally to boost progesterone production or reduce excess estrogen. For this purpose, there are therapeutic methods that work by supporting physiological functions and hormonal balance.
Important note: synthetic hormones found in hormonal contraceptives and hormonal replacement therapy are different from the natural progesterone and estrogen that your body produces. In fact, synthetic hormones disrupt the natural balance of your own hormones and in most cases suppress ovulation. Yet ovulation represents a key event for hormone production. Allowing the body to make adequate amount of progesterone and estrogen is essential for your general health and your well-being.
We offer personalised guidance on how to observe your menstrual cycle and to recognise signs of imbalances (period irregularities, absence of ovulation, heavy menstrual bleeding, spotting, water retention, period pain, PMS etc.). Pain and symptoms related to the menstrual cycle are very common, but they are not normal. You can greatly impact your menstrual health if you know how to work with your unique physiology.
Estrogen and progesterone influence chemical substances in the brain (called neurotransmitters). It has been shown that sex hormones are highly intertwined with the neurotransmitters serotonin, dopamine, GABA and glutamate. Therefore, fluctuations in sex hormones have a great impact on feelings, well-being, memory, mood and cognition.
Estrogen is known to promote dopamine release and to increase serotonin and glutamate levels while lowering GABA levels. Estrogen has therefore an activating and performance boosting effect.
By contrast, higher progesterone levels have been associated with increased GABA function promoting calmness, sleep and relaxation.
Glutamate is known as the primary excitatory neurotransmitter in the nervous system. It is involved in a variety of neuroplasticity mechanisms and is known to be exceptionally important for cognition, learning and mood.
GABA is one of the major inhibitory neurotransmitter. It blocks specific signals in the central nervous system, slowing down the brain. GABA provides a protective and calming effect on the brain and body. It produces effects such as stress reduction, anxiety relief, improvement of sleep and brain damage prevention.
Serotonin is considered a natural mood stabiliser. Healthy serotonin levels are associated with a feeling of happiness, better focus and emotional stability.
Dopamine is known as the "feel good" neurotransmitter. It is strongly associated with pleasure, motivation, alertness and reward anticipation.